Unidentified sources inside the White House are quietly revealing, what has just been a rumor up until this time, that Obama may have indeed been born in Kenya. It is believed that these revelations are coming now, as a result of the ongoing effort by some groups to get the original copy of his birth certificate made public. At this moment the complete details are sketchy, but some details are emerging. It now appears that Ann Dunham (Mrs Barack Hussein Obama, Sr) had returned to Kenya with her husband of only 6 month in mid-July of 1961 to meet members of his Kenyan family. It is thought that while on this visit Ann Dunham learned of Obama seniors earlier marriage to a woman named Kezia in 1954 and that the two were the parents of four children. According to White House sources Ann, distraught and shaken leaves the senior Obama and goes to the nearby capital city of Nairobi and fearing for her life at that time seeks refuse at the American Embassy there. At first the embassy officials were somewhat reluctant to admit the young wife, but upon hearing her story of the death threats leveled at her by the family of Kezia, Barack seniors true wife they decide to give the young obviously pregnant girl asylum in the embassy. According to recently released embassy records the embassy was over-flowing with American nationals at that particular time due to a sharp spike in black nationalist activities directed at whites in the country. Because of over-crowding in the embassy proper, Ann was given shelter in a small shed in the rear of the embassy, a shed formerly reserved for livestock. The livestock had been removed several months before. It was in this former stable, that Ann unexpectedly gives birth to Barack Hussein Obama II, the current President of the United States. The anonymous sources at the White House are quick to point out two things: first, President Obama was born on American soil (U.S. Embassy grounds are considered under international agreements to be part of the United States); second, the ONE was born in a stable (the source was quick to emphasize this fact) for what reason we are not sure! Finally the issue is settled, Obama was born on American soil with his humble beginnings in a stable---the message here well I'll leave that to you!
by Ron Russell
Suddenly it all makes so much sense...
and a star appeared outside the manger and it was called barbra Streisand....
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