Thursday, July 23, 2009

The New Liberal "House Nigger"

The left in the United States today is the party of a new racism. Most in the Democratic party maintain their power not by helping the black man, but by keeping him down and in his place, as they see it. Because this in the only way they can hope to maintain control and support, because the successful black man in this country is far less likely to be a pawn of the so-called liberal causes than the traditional ghetto black or blacks working for various governmental agencies. In reality, when most blacks lift themselves out of the ghetto they turn away from liberal causes and beliefs, these blacks have found that reliance on self and not on government is the road to real freedom. The left however, feels that the handouts they offer is the best way to maintain control. Because by giving someone something, something they do not have to work for, the spirit to work to succeed is stifled. The old axiom comes into play, "why work for something when it is given to you". Sadly most in the black areas sit with out-stretched hands waiting for the next handout from those on the left who are eager to give it in order to maintain control. Those whites on the left are the new plantation owners in modern America and only a few blacks will rise to the level of the "House Nigger", the rest---the vast majority will remain forever in the eyes of leftist-elitists---"Field Hands". And the new "Uncle Tom's", are those blacks who have risen to the position of "House Nigger" and maintain the typical liberal position of blaming "Whitey" for the woes of the oppressed "Field Hands". Welcome to Obama's post-racial America!

by Ron Russell

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