Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Trump Warns America Is In “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow

A sobering new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours ago, President Donald Trump, during a White House dinner with his top military commanders, suddenly turned towards the press cameras and cryptically stated that America was in a “calm before the storm”—and that Russian intelligence analysts state is due to the unstoppable avalanche of evidence proving that the Las VegasPyramid Sacrifice” massacre shooter, named Stephen Paddock, was, indeed, an arms dealer working for both the CIA and Russia Mafia

According to this report, with the SVR already having confirmed that Stephen Paddock had been a gun smuggling pilot for the CIA during their “Operation Cyclone” programme to arm radical Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan in the 1980’s, and further establishing that his massacre plans began after FBI forces loyal to President Trump took down the most feared leader of the Russia Mafia on 7 June, and who was based in Las Vegas and protected by the Obama-Clinton regime for nearly a decade—the avalanche of true facts relating to this horrific massacre have become so overwhelming, YouTube has taken the stunning censorship action of removing videos questioning the “official” narrative—and that they did because of the elites fears of the truth being known as these now destroyed videos had received millions of views.  
With these truth telling videos being censored by YouTube, who calls them “conspiracy theories”, this report continues, the SVR had previously documented that the words “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” were completely made up by the CIA—and who, in their 1967 memo, instructed the entire US media establishment on how to use them in order to disparage and attack anyone not agreeing with the “official” narrative on who murdered President John F. Kennedy.

 For one to fully comprehend how the CIA creates their “official” narratives for the “false flag” actions they conduct, this report explains, one need look no further then the day after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated—and whose shocking moment when his head was blown off from the bullet striking his head from the front and whipping his head backwards, as documented by the Zapruder Film, was, instead, described to the American people by CBS News anchor Dan Ratherthe only reporter to view the Zapruder Film the day after the assassination—as President Kennedy being struck by bullet fired behind him that then whipped his head forward—which was a complete lie, and as this side-by-side video confirms as being true—and the American people, also, not being able to see the Zapruder Film for themselves until 12 years later, in 1975Read more.......

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