Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Justice Department study identifies cause of Lootiong

An extensive DOJ report shows why people loot.  Seems it only occurs when free food, free housing and welfare checks just aren't enough!  According to those in the Obama Justice Department the only solution is to open stores in Ghetto neighborhoods on Friday and Saturday nights and allow residents to take anything they want for three hours and if the shelf's are empty before the allotted time is over the owner of that offending business would be required to restock or face severe fines and/or prison for depriving useful citizens of their Obama given rights.
Both the DNC and Hillary Clinton have already expressed their support for this measure and pledged to have it enacted into law when Hillary becomes President in 2017.  This plan also has the support of 99.9% of the residents in areas that will be covered under the new law.  Apparently the .1% opposing consist of local Korean, Pakistan, Indian and Uncle Tom Black merchants.  

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